Great Deku Tree Drawing Cute

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Wiki Guide
How to Get the Master Sword
The Master Sword is a weapon in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and is not easy to come by. It is located a stone platform in front of the Great Deku Tree in Great Hyrule Forest. Use this wiki to learn more about how to get the Master Sword in BOTW and details on its abilities as a special weapon.
How to Get the Master Sword in BOTW
The Master Sword does not break, but must recharge after prolonged use. The Master Sword cannot be thrown, instead it fires an energy projectile, or beam attack, but only with full hearts.
Jump To:
- Getting Through the Lost Woods
- Obtaining the Master Sword
- Wielding the Master Sword
Getting Through the Lost Woods
From the Woodland Tower, you can see the large forest is blocked on almost all sides by water. However, trying to climb or glide into the Lost Woods, and Link is transported to the beginning accompanied by mysterious laughter.
To enter the Lost Woods, you must take the path Northeast of the tower and follow the path until the area gets foggy and you arrive at a large ruined arch.
For these next sections, deviating from the path under any circumstance will result in you being transported back to the last checkpoint - in this case - the large arch. Note that there is a lit torch here, and more farther away set up your path.
Take note the direction the embers are drifting in, and go in that direction only. It should bring you to another to torch stand, which you should also follow using the same method. From first torch - head North, North again, then West, West again, then South, and finally look West to spot two Torches in the distance before a large Ogre Tree with a chest in its mouth.
From the two torches, things get more difficult - There are no more torches to guide you, and if you go the wrong way you'll be quickly enveloped in fog and brought back to the torches. If you are quick to react you can escape the fog - but it moves extremely fast.
In order to find your way, use a torch or any other flammable weapon and light it at the two torches. Conveniently, there's an unlit torch leaning against one of the stands.
Stand still and look at the embers flying off the top of the torch. They will be blowing slightly in the direction you need to go. Keep following the embers and you will eventually find your way to the Korok Forest, where the Master Sword is hidden. You can also set your sensor to detect tresure chests. Follow the signal till you reach a trench.
Obtaining the Master Sword
As you reach the center of the grove, you'll finally find the Master Sword, but trying to pull it will lead to sudden vision, and the Great Deku Tree will awaken to speak with you.
Much has happened since the sword was brought here 100 years ago, and only those who have the power can claim the Master Sword. This includes you - even after all this time. Depending on where you are in the game, you may not be worth of the blade just yet. If you try to pull it, you will find that it slowly drains your hearts. If you do not have enough Heart Containers, you will not be able to pull it from the pedestal. The first time you try, the Great Deku Tree will stop before your final heart is depleted - but after that, you do so at the risk of your own life.
In truth, pulling the Master Sword out requires a minimum of 13 Heart Containers. With the three hearts you begin the game with, that means you'll need an additional 10 Heart Containers as well. Heart Containers can be obtained either by trading in 4 Spirit Orbs, or by completing one of the Divine Beast Dungeons. With this in mind, it will take a different amount of Spirit Orbs depending on how many dungeons you've completed. This means you'll need as many as 40 Spirit Orbs if you haven't done any dungeons, and as few as 24 if you've done them all - or anywhere in between.
Note: Temporary hearts granted by buffs do NOT count towards this total
Wielding the Master Sword
Even the Blade that Seals the Darkness still has to abide by certain rules. You'll find that you can use it anywhere, but attacking regular monsters and enemies will still wear down the blade. At this point it will appear as though the blade is broken, and cannot be used for several minutes until it regenerates.
The only times the blade can be used indefinitely without fear of breaking is in the presence of Ganon or one of his incarnations - so take care when you choose to wield the blade.
Up Next: How to Get Through the Lost Woods
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